Elegoo Neptune 4 Max Machine G-Code
Machine start G-code:
;ELEGOO NEPTUNE 4 MAX - Optimized Start Sequence with 30mm Purge Line
M220 S100 ; Set feed speed to 100%
M221 S100 ; Set flow rate to 100%
M104 S[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer] ; Start heating nozzle
M140 S[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single] ; Start heating bed without waiting
G28 ; Home all axes
M190 S[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single] ; Wait for bed to reach target temp
M109 S[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer] ; Wait for nozzle to reach target temp
G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position
G1 Z0.4 X165 Y0.5 F2000 ; Move to start position for purge line
G1 X265 E30 F400 ; Draw the 30mm purge line
G1 Z0.6 F120 ; Slightly lift the nozzle
G92 E0 ; Reset extruder
Machine end G-code:
Version 1: Turns Off the Hotend and Bed (with Multiple Beeps)
This version fully shuts down the hotend and bed after the print is complete.
G91 ; Relative positioning
G1 E-2 F2700 ; Retract a bit
G1 E-8 X5 Y5 Z3 F3000 ; Retract and move up
G90 ; Absolute positioning
G1 X10 Y400 F6000 ; Move print head to a safe position
M106 S0 ; Turn off fan
M104 S0 ; Turn off hotend
M140 S0 ; Turn off bed
; Beep sequence
M300 S1000 P300 ; Beep 1 at 1000 Hz for 300 ms
G4 P200 ; Pause for 200 ms
M300 S1500 P300 ; Beep 2 at 1500 Hz for 300 ms
G4 P200 ; Pause for 200 ms
M300 S2000 P300 ; Beep 3 at 2000 Hz for 300 ms
M84 X Y E ; Disable all steppers except Z
Version 2 (calibration version): Keeps Hotend and Bed On (with Multiple Beeps)
This version leaves the hotend and bed heaters on, allowing you to continue printing without waiting for them to reheat.
G91 ; Relative positioning
G1 E-2 F2700 ; Retract a bit
G1 E-8 X5 Y5 Z3 F3000 ; Retract and move up
G90 ; Absolute positioning
G1 X10 Y400 F6000 ; Move print head to a safe position
M106 S0 ; Turn off fan
; M104 S0 ; Turn off hotend (commented out to keep it on)
; M140 S0 ; Turn off bed (commented out to keep it on)
; Beep sequence
M300 S1000 P300 ; Beep 1 at 1000 Hz for 300 ms
G4 P200 ; Pause for 200 ms
M300 S1500 P300 ; Beep 2 at 1500 Hz for 300 ms
G4 P200 ; Pause for 200 ms
M300 S2000 P300 ; Beep 3 at 2000 Hz for 300 ms
M84 X Y E ; Disable all steppers except Z